
Hi, there…

I’m Meg…

 …and I’m so glad to meet YOU!

Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am 45 years old, married to an amazing, patient man named Andrew, and have 2 wonderful, adult children—Olive and Ellis. I work as a secretary by day and a writer by night. (Well, a writer by early morning, to be exact.)

My husband and I have had the privilege of serving in ministry together at our local church for many years, but that was not always the case. If you had met me 19 years ago, you would not have recognized me. I was 23 years old, entirely broken, confused, and disillusioned with religion. I had been through a few difficult situations, felt betrayed and alone, and was living in the wake of some very poor choices. At that point in life, I didn’t know what my belief system was or if I even believed in organized religion. I daily wrestled with mental and emotional pain, unforgiveness, and bitterness.

Then, I began a habit that changed my life. Which is why we’re here.

The habit was “daily devotions:” Bible Reading. Prayer. Journaling. And this simple discipline was one of the key ways God rebuilt my broken life. It was definitely not a quick fix, nor was it my original intent, but when I looked up years into the habit, I could see that healing was exactly what had happened. And not only did I see healing, but I had fallen in love with my Bible and the God who authored it.

My goal through this site and podcast is to help you establish this habit for yourself.

My passion is to help you see the Word of God with fresh eyes, and to inspire you to a habit that will revolutionize your life and heal your heart. I want to help you see that the Bible isn’t boring. It isn’t a “checklist” item. I long to help you FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR BIBLE. And when you do, you, too, will look back years down the road, and be utterly amazed at the deep healing God has done in your heart through the intrinsic power of His Word and His presence. Your relationship with Him will be the most fulfilling of any you could ever imagine.

This is not simply my personal opinion or experience, but over the years, I have discovered researched proof for the power of the pieces that comprise this habit. You can read more about that here. I’m not just saying this habit heals, there is proof that this habit heals.

At this point in my life, you could show me the most “messed up,” dysfunctional person on the face of the planet, and I believe that if they would commit to daily bringing their fractured soul into the presence of God and would daily allow the Word of God access to their life, they would be an entirely different person in 5 years. I know that because that was me. I’m still in the process, but I’m on the road to whole. I’m learning to be ‘broken’ the right way.

My goal is to help you launch the most incredible journey of your life. I hope to introduce you to your new Best Friend. He wants to see you whole.

With love and prayers,
