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+ Research

There is amazing, verifiable proof and research for the elements that comprise the habit of “daily devotions:” solitude, Bible engagement, prayer, and journaling.

However, few people, even those who are Christians, incorporate this habit into their daily lives. From person after person, I hear, “It’s boring.” Person after person tells me they don’t have time. Person after person tells me they don’t understand the Bible.

But on the other side of those roadblocks and excuses, there is unlimited potential. Here are just a few articles that prove the individual impact of these habits:

  • Proof for the power of solitude:

  • Proof for the power of Bible reading/engagement: and

  • Proof for the power of journaling:

I dare you to establish this habit in your life.

It will be like any other worthwhile discipline in your life—difficult at first, but the reward is soon worth the effort, and you couldn’t imagine your life without it.

This is a habit that will see you healed emotionally. Few habits can claim that kind of results.