Time + Place.

 You can’t rush relationship.

One very practical key to establishing the habit of daily devotions is picking a consistent time + place where you can be unhurried and undistracted. I understand this is a tall order in this day and age. We hit the ground running and don’t stop until our head hits the pillow. If we do stop, it’s to binge Netflix or mindlessly scroll social media feeds. But this element of consistent quiet and connection with God in a life has incredible value on so many levels. I highly recommend early morning, even if it requires sacrificing sleep. There is something so special about choosing to wake up in the dark stillness of morning to spend time with God that can’t be matched at any other time of the day. Morning is not a rule, and a choice to establish this habit any time of day will be a decision you will never regret. However, I do believe morning (or FIRST if our schedules do not allow for morning) is the best way to set the tone for our day.

I often compare morning devotions to putting on my glasses in the morning. I am not entirely blind, but blind enough to have issues if I didn’t wear them. Without putting them on, I’d miss beauty, see many things less clearly, and would definitely be a hazard to others if I took to the road without them. I’d mistakenly identify things. I might even put myself in danger without my glasses. Could I put them on later in the day? Certainly, but it would definitely affect the portion of my day I wasn’t wearing them. The Word of God and presence of God first thing in our day have a similar affect: they allow us to see beauty we would otherwise miss. They help us correctly identify things and keep us safe from dangers we might otherwise inadvertently fall prey to.

A place + a time will go a great way to helping you establish the habit of daily devotions. It may be a process of trial and error for you to figure out what works best for your schedule and personality. You are an individual…your relationship with God will be individual.

There is no exact ‘formula,’ but all relationships contain certain elements: Communication. Affection. Vulnerability. Honesty. Sincerity. In choosing a time + place to connect with God, you are simply creating a space for a relationship to be established, fostered, and enjoyed.

Find your place.
