A Great While Before Day + “In the Dark”

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Download the A Great While Before Day + “In the Dark” audio/episode here.

In the Dark.

 The dark is very scary for humanity. From our earliest days, we’re scared of the dark and in the dark. Yesterday, I walked through a pitch-black room, and literally had to put my hands in front of me to feel my way across it. There are dark moments like that in life, where you know the light switch is somewhere on the other side of the blackness, but you’re not sure how far away or what obstacles you might bump into on the way. It’s easy to be afraid in the dark. Fear lurks in the near vicinity. Dark moments are terrifying, and you begin to wonder if it will always be dark. Will you ever “make it to the light switch?”


As I walked through that darkness yesterday, I was reminded that wombs are dark. The most beautiful and intricate of all God’s designs and creations is formed and fashioned in darkness. It is in darkness that life conceived is brought to viability. Without the dark months following conception, there would be no bundle of joy delivered. No womb, no baby.


No dark, no joy.


Just as the womb is a requirement for life to be brought forth, dark moments are sometimes a requirement to see the things God has conceived in our lives to be brought to viability. We are so prone to fear in the blackness of dark seasons, but I believe that God does some of His finest work “in the dark.” He is forming and fashioning something too beautiful for the process to be observed. While questions of the darkness swirl around us, He is knitting together, piecing together a plan and a purpose that we do not yet understand. We are not simply in the dark, we are “in utero,” “in the womb,” so to speak. The dark is formative. The dark teems with purpose. The dark moments are part of His plan.


It is interesting to note that babies learn their mother’s voices while in the womb, in the deep dark places during those months of growth. Not only are dark moments in our lives for formation and growth, but also to learn His voice. Our sight is suspended, and we are forced into “voice lessons.” He is always close in the dark and teaching us to listen for His “still, small voice” if we will learn to hear. When the lights are out, our faith becomes “our eyes” and our hearing is heightened. In the dark, I’m learning His voice…the soft, subtle, gentle whispers of the Savior.


In the dark? If my hand is in His, I’m right where He wants me. He has chosen the route…dark of night or light of day. Fears and questions may assault my mind and soul, but the One who has brought me safe on the journey thus far, will bring me through the dark. In the dark? He is growing and forming and bringing a future plan to viability.


“When I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me.” Micah 7:8


Let me trust in the dark. In the womb.

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life.

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


Let The Bible STOP You + “Now, Elisha Fell Sick”


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