Back to the Basics Pt. 2 + “Little Is Much.

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Download the Back to the Basics Pt. 2 + “Little Is Much” audio/episode here.

Little Is Much.

Several weeks ago, a little tip popped up on my running app: “A LITTLE WORKOUT IS BETTER THAN NO WORKOUT.” The following day at church, I felt so incredibly weary, and remember saying to God, “I just feel I have nothing to offer you.” Immediately, in my mind, I heard, “A LITTLE PRAISE IS BETTER THAN NO PRAISE. A LITTLE PRAYER IS BETTER THAN NO PRAYER.”


Often, the enemy will keep us from offering what we have, because it doesn’t seem like “enough”. He is well aware that our “little” in the hands of God has miracle potential. He has not forgotten the little boys’ 5 loaves and 2 fishes feeding thousands. (MT. 14) He has not forgotten the little widow who had only a box of oil in her house, and how upon her obedience to the man of God made that little box of oil became enough to pay her debts and provide for her family. LITTLE HAS ALWAYS BEEN MUCH IN GOD’S HANDS.


The only requirement is that we give the little we have.


I am reminded of the window of Zarapheth in I Kings 17:10-16: In the middle of extreme drought and famine, the man of God, Elijah, came to her and asked for a little water and a morsel of bread. She responds by saying, “I only have a handful of meal and a little oil and I am gathering two sticks to go bake one last cake for my sons and I. We are going to eat it and die.” Things are looking very grim for this widow, and she has lost all hope. But Elijah speaks faith and says: “go do as you have said but make me a little cake first and bring it to me.” Her obedience to his request, and her willingly giving the little she had, unlocked the door to the miraculous. Her little oil and little meal fed her family many days! She invested the one little cake she had in the kingdom and God multiplied that little in an act of miraculous provision that sustained not only her household, but also the man of God through that season of drought.


It is easier to give when we are giving from abundance, and it requires great faith to give from little. We must never allow the voice of intimidation to keep us from giving the little we have. In seasons where we feel depleted of resources, whether emotionally, physically, or financially, let us keep giving our little, knowing that LITTLE placed in God’s hands STILL unlocks the door of the miraculous.


As Pastor always says, “When we do what we can do, God will step in and do what ONLY God can do.” Only a little prayer? Pray it! Only a little praise? Praise Him! Only a little to give? Give it!

“Little self-denials, little honesties, little passing words of sympathy, little nameless acts of kindness, little silent victories over favorite temptations-these are the silent threads of gold which, when woven together, gleam out so brightly in the pattern of life that God approves.”

—Frederic Farrar—

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life. This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


A Heart In Awe of His Word + “An Impossible Promise”


What I’ve Been Reading and Listening To + ”Streams In the Desert: September 8”