Ep. 144 — Places + “The Master Artist”

Download the handwritten version of “The Master Artist” here.

Download Places + “The Master Artist” audio/episode here.

The Master Artist.

(By Frances J. Roberts in Come Away My Beloved )

Set thy gaze toward heaven. Lo, thine eyes shall behold My glory.

For I have brought thee though the testing time, and My heart rejoiceth over thee. Thou seest but a part of the picture, but I see the design in its completion. Thou canst not know what is in My mind and what I am creating with the materials of thy life.

Only be thou yielded in my hands. Thou needest not to make thine own plans, for I am in control, and thou wouldst bring disaster by interference, even as a child who would wish to help a master artist, and with untrained use of the brush would ruin the canvas.

So, rest thy soul, this knowing, that I have been at work, and in ways thou has least suspected; for the picture in thy thinking and the work with which I was engaged are entirely different.

I make not idle strokes. What I do is never haphazard. I am never merely mixing colors out of casual curiosity. My every move is one of vital creativity, and every stroke is part of the whole.

Never be dismayed by apparent incongruity. Never be alarmed by a sudden dash of color seemingly out of context. Say only to thy questioning heart, “It is the Infinite wielding His brush; surely He doeth all things well.”

And in all He does with a free hand, without interference, He can stand back and view the work and say, “It is good.”

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life. This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


Ep. 145 — Are You Yet Holdin’ On? + “The Author and Finisher”


The Courage to Pray Again + Harps and Vials