Ep. 152 — Preach To Yourself + ”What God Knows”

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Download “Preach To Yourself + ”What God Knows” audio/episode here.

What God Knows.

Job was a man who underwent severe trial. His life came under intense scrutiny and his faith came under intentional examination. God allowed Satan to touch everything Job had, with the exception of Job’s very life. And let’s face it, Satan will take every inch of leash God allows him to take. Job lost his children, his livelihood, nearly all of his servants, his home, and his wealth. Job’s health was taken, and he was left with only mountains of mental, emotional, physical pain, and the discouragement of his wife and friends.


Job had been given no insight into what was “going on.” Job had no insight into the scene that had unfolded in the heavenlies. Job did not have a single clue what was going on around him. In his misery, Job said, “Oh, that I knew where I might find Him! That I might come even to His seat!… I would know the words which He would answer me, and understand what He would say unto me…Behold, I go forward, but He is not there; and backward but I cannot perceive Him: on the left hand where He doth work, but I cannot behold Him: He hideth Himself on the right hand that I cannot see Him:” (Job 23:2-9) Job examined this season and his trials from every angle, and said, “I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know where God is. I cannot find Him anywhere. I have examined all facets of these trials, and my intellect cannot see or perceive Him. I am entirely clueless. I am entirely at a loss. I don’t know.”


While very few people will actually face the level of observable loss that Job faced, many Christians will face, as Peter wrote, “manifold temptations.” (I Peter 1:16) Manifold here means “diverse,” and temptations means “adversity, affliction, trouble, trial, sent by

God, and serving to prove one’s faith, holiness, character.” (#3986) Many will endure seasons of testing and trial where it’s “one thing after another.” Layer upon layer of tests and scenarios piled on top of one another. The trials are “manifold.” Sometimes the trials are only known by you and God—invisible to others, yet these are as real as those we submit prayer requests for.

In these seasons, we examine all angles and aspects of what is unfolding around us and in us. We look around and evaluate circumstances, and like Job, we are clueless. We have zero insight. We say things like, “God, I don’t understand. I have no idea where You are in this or how You could use this. I don’t know why I’m here or how to get “out.” “God, I’m searching every direction, and I just don’t see you. I am entirely at a loss. I don’t know.” And we don’t. Our humanity is frail and limited and our ability to understand the workings of God is very inadequate. He is God and we are not.


Job in all of his pain and inner turmoil did not stop by saying, “I don’t know.” Job continued on to say, “God knows.” Job said, “But he knoweth the way that I take…” Job boldly declared that God knew exactly where he was even when he had no proof of it. Job proclaimed what God knew. God knew Job’s path. God knew exactly where Job was and exactly why Job was required to be there and exactly how He was going to use the “manifold temptations” Job was blindly enduring. God knew and Job did not. God knew and Job chose to say that God knew. Job made faith declarations because that is what people of faith do. They say “faith words” with no tangible evidence, no visible insight. Faith tenaciously holds on to the reality of the truth it knows and allows words of faith to override the voices of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.


God always knows. He is never at a loss. He is never blind. He sees through the fog and black midnights of our lives. He sees into the future, past, and present circumstances and says, “I know how and when I will work their trials out for their good and My glory. They can’t see it, but I know. They don’t know that this season, these tests are actually a gift in their lives, and if they will keep on clinging to Me in desperation they will learn Me here like nowhere else. I will download divine resources and wisdom without their knowledge, because I do my best work without their insight or interference. I know the way they take.

God knows. God always knows. Job knew that and boldly declared,


  • He knoweth the way that I take….”

  • He “knoweth them that are HIs…” (2Timothy 2:19)

  • He knows the number of hairs on your head… (Matthew 10:30)

  • “…He knoweth our frame, He remembers that we are but dust.” (Psalms 103:14)

  • “Your Father knoweth what things you have need of, before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:8)

  • He know and has named the stars. “He tellers the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.” (Psalms 147:4)

  • “The LORD knoweth the way of the righteous.” (Psalms 1:6)

  • “He knoweth all things.” (I John 3:20)


God knows. These are just a minuscule snapshot of the things God knows.


God knew about Job. And Job knew that God knew. And Job said that God knew. Because while Job didn’t understand the trials, he knew some things about God.


This morning, as I was reading this passage, something stood out to me in addition to the original thought.


Job knew something about God, and he said what he knew about God.


But Job also knew something about himself, and he SAID what he knew about himself:


“…when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”


In this simple, declarative sentence, Job boldly stated what he knew about himself. He knew he wasn’t giving up. He knew his faith was coming all the way through. He knew there would be a time when God was done testing, and he would be better for it. He knew he was coming out of this fire as gold! He knew he was valuable and precious to God, and he’d be even more refined after this trial that he didn’t know about or understand. Job knew he wouldn’t be throwing in his towel.


So, when we don’t see, let’s say!


Like Job, let’s declare something about God and about ourselves!


“I don’t know what You’re up to God, but I know that You are faithful and sovereign, and I know that I’m in this thing for good. I know that I’m coming out on the other side clutching tested faith. I know my faith will stand as gold. I don’t know what You’re doing, but I know You know and I know I’m not giving up!


This ties back to Peter’s statement about ‘manifold temptations:”


“Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith, being much more precious that of gold that perisheth, though it be tried by fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 1:6-7)


Job didn’t know. God did.


We don’t know. God does.


With lack of insight, Job said what he knew about God and about himself. I’m following along.


So thankful for the things God knows.

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life. This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


Bonus Episode — ”Why Was Friday Good?”


Ep. 151 — Let’s Go Behind the Scenes + ”Past the Voices”