Christmas 2023 Ep. 1 — “No Room”

Download the handwritten version of “No Room” here.

Download the Christmas 2023 Ep. 1 — “No Room” audio/episode here.

No Room.

This morning, as I read the Christmas story in Luke 2, I was struck by two words: NO ROOM.


“And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; BECAUSE THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR THEM IN THE INN.” (Luke 2:7)


Jesus, “Emmanuel, God with us,” came to earth, humbly robing Himself in human form. The tiny frame that Mary tenderly wrapped and placed gently in that lowly manger was God incarnate. The birth that took place in Bethlehem on that night long ago was the greatest miracle to ever unfold. Yet, no one had made room for the miraculous. No one had made a place for the King.


            “…because there was no room for them in the inn.”


  1. Am I MAKING ROOM for Jesus in my life?


As the Christmas season begins to commence, with parties and presents and people and places to be, am I making room for Him? In a season that’s “all about Jesus,” am I carving out a place of priority for His divine presence? Is there a place in my life and my day for Him? A place where He’s more than a thought…. a place where I give Him more than a passing glance? Will I intentionally make room to sit and look into His eyes, and feel His nail-scarred hands? Will my Christmas season revolve around Him or will He be a “token” part of all my “to-do’s?”


2.   Will I make room for the miraculous?

The birth of the Messiah had been foretold. Prophets had written under divine inspiration, telling the place of his coming. It was clear enough that “Wiseman from the East” traveled far because they recognized as miraculous, prophetic events were unfolding that there was enough promise for them to KNOW…Bethlehem was to be the birthplace of the coming King, that those in Bethlehem should’ve known their place in the prophetic and had a perpetual place ready of the promise. That’s easy to say. That’s hard to do. So often, while we wait for promises, they seem unlikely, distant, and maybe even impossible! The unfolding of the miraculous appears improbable and we fail to keep a space open for it to happen.


God has given promises, and I want to keep a spot in my heart & life for the tie God has assigned for them to come to pass. I refuse to have a “no vacancy” sign on my heart when the miraculous occurs.


      Will I reserve a space for future promises?


3.   When Jesus comes back the 2nd time, will I have room for Him?

The Word of God contains two streams of prophecy regarding the coming of Jesus:

                        1. As a suffering servant—this we see come to pass in His first coming.

                        2. As a reigning King. This is yet to be fulfilled. We are patiently waiting for His return! His 2nd coming!


The Bible is FULL of the prophetic regarding Jesus’ coming again to catch away His bride, His church. Am I making room? Am I “looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God,”?  (II Peter 3:12)


It is easier to FORGET that He’s coming again than ever before. There is so much going on to “fill” the place of our expectancy. Time is flying by. We are running to and fro. We are distracted by the “cares of this life,” forgetful that one of these days the “clouds will be rolled back as a scroll” and our King will come to call us home. Will I have room for Him? Am I keeping a space in my life to check the eastern sky? Am I actively preparing for HIM to arrive on the scene?


Jesus told His disciples, “Let not your hearts be troubled… I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself…that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3)


He’s going to prepare a place for me: Do I have a place prepared for Him?


Let me make ROOM for the King. I don’t want a “no room” sign on this inn.

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life. This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday! and Merry Christmas!


Christmas 2023 Ep. 2 — “No Room”


Overcoming Overwhelm + “Pour Out Your Heart”