Christmas 2022 Ep. 1 “His Name Shall Be Called”

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His Name Shall Be Called.

This morning, I got up at 5AM, and as I was gathering clothing to head out, a line from a song I haven’t heard in at least a year (probably longer) kept coming to mind:


“You are the medicine…”


I couldn’t even remember what song it was, so when I got to church, I Googled it, and, WOW, God ministered to me as I listened:


“You are the medicine

The only cure for everything I feel within

Redeeming what was lost and all that could’ve been

Oh, this is a healing kind of love


You are the truest friend

Staying through the night when I was at my end

Comforting my ❤️heart til it was light again

Oh, this is a faithful kind of love


Everlasting Father

Prince of Peace        


God with us

You’re here with me



The government is resting on your shoulders.


You are the final word

You alone decide when every page will turn

So I will trust your timing, will rest secure

Oh, this is a steady kind of love.”


I only had time to listen once, but now that I’m back to sitting, it came to mind again.  Thinking of those beautiful things the prophet Isaiah declared Him to be called:


“And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,

The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”


The child Who would be born, the Son Who would be given, would embody and encompass all these titles represent in the infant body of the Messiah.  Emmanuel, God WITH US, would be so much more than a mere baby.  He was God incarnate…and He was…He is


Wonderful. He is full of wonder.

According to Blue Letter Bible’s “Outline of Biblical usage, “WONDERFUL” means “wonder, marvel, an extraordinary, hard to understand thing.”  Genesius says, “something wonderful, admirable; a miracle of God.” Miriam Webster has an article entitled “How ‘WONDERFUL’ Lost Its Sense of Wonder:”  “The word once described the most astonishing occurrences.  It is now decidedly less supernatural. The words’ original meaning seems to be hiding in plain sight: ‘FULL OF WONDER.’  Yet it is very seldom used that way anymore. Today ‘wonderful’ is most frequently used to mean ‘extremely good.’ Noah Webster’s 1828 definition of ‘WONDERFUL’: “to excite wonder or admiration; exciting surprise; strange; astonishing. Job 42:3.”” The article continues on: “…all of the instances of wonderful in the KJV of the Bible are used ‘astonishing…’”

That’s a lot of defining, but I wanted a true feeling and understanding of what the word means.  HE TRULY IS WONDERFUL, inspiring AWE!  “Full of wonder” in every sense of the word.

“His name shall be called Wonderful…”


Counsellor … in general, piecing together the definitions from several sources, this Biblical word means to “advise or counsel.” Genesius elaborates on it a little more: “(3) to consult for anyone i.e., to provide for.  With suff[1]  ? .  PS 16:7; 32:8, (HEBREW LETTERS)_______?[2]  for (HEBREW LETTERS). “I will care for thee, and I will set my eye upon thee,” i.e. I WILL FAVOR THEE.  (HEBREW LETTERS) one who consults, i.e., cares for, protects, (IS 9:5) [The participle (?) in all its other occurrences means a ‘giver of counsel;’ Why should it not me the same here?” 

“WOW” That definition is a TREASURE! The 2 verses he references with a similar definition are:

Psalms 16:7: “I will bless the LORD, who hath given me Counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.”  and Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”

How often do we long for someone to “show me what to do?”  How often do we want someone to watch over us?  This is exactly what Jesus does…advises, counsels, guides, protects, if we will listen for the “still, small voice” of His leadership.  In John 16:13, He spoke of the promised spirit (the Holy Ghost that was to be poured out after His ascension to heaven): 

“Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak; and he will show you things to come.”  The Holy Ghost becomes an “on-board navigation system.”  When we are full of the Spirit, we are full of the One Who is the COUNSELOR. 

“His name shall be called Counsellor.”


The Mighty God…the child Who would be born is “the MIGHTY GOD!”  That alone is powerful!  All the definitions of this word have to do with power, bravery, might, valiance, and warriors.  Genesuis’ defines it like this: “strong, might, impetuous, used of a hunter, Gen 10:9,

commonly of an impetuous soldier, a HERO, 2 Sam. 17:10, Ps 33:16, 45:4, “a mighty king (Alexander the Great) Dan 11:3 A MIGHTY HERO. [The Mighty God: Christ is spoken of]. Is 9:5; 40:21; comp. to Ezek. 32:11…” He goes on to reference other verses about warriors and battles. 

The infant child laying in swaddling clothes was a MIGHTY HERO. He was the God Who fought FOR His people time and again throughout the Old Testament. This child was the One of Whom it was said, “The battle is the LORD’s…” (I SAM 17:47 & 2 CHRON 20:15) He is still a defender…. He still fights our battles. When we follow New Testament instruction to “turn the other cheek,” and “forgive 70x 7,” and “love your enemies,” and “give thanks in all things,” and “rejoice in the LORD always,” we are handing our battles over to the Mighty God in a profound display of trust. Our obedience allows Him to fight on our behalf, The battle is still the LORD’s!

 “His name shall be called …. the Mighty God…”


The Everlasting Father…everlasting means “in perpetuity or eternal.” He is without a beginning and without an end. He is ALWAYS…. always has been…. always will be! And Father means “father.” (LOL). A little more specifically, Genesius’ says, “Father is applied as a bringer up, a nourisher, as bestowing His benefits like a parent…In Is 9:5, God is called the “eternal Father (of the people) …” Brown-Driver-Briggs expounds on “Father,” by saying: “7. figurative of benevolence & protection…”

He is “Father” in the sense of being the source of life in all creation and the source of life for humanity…” But He’s not just an austere, distant, harsh, uninvolved “father,” who contributed to life. He is the source & sustainer of it and the “nourisher” and “protector” of it. He never ends….and He never stops caring. As I write this, Is 46: 3-4 keeps coming to mind:  “Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb: and even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you:  I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.”  WOW!  No matter if we’re fresh from the womb or in our elder years, He CARRIES us. He taught us to pray, “Our Father,” because that’s WHO HE IS. Psalms 68:5 declares Him to be a “Father to the fatherless.”  Rest in His arms.  Rest in His protection.  Rest in His provision.

“His name shall be called the Everlasting Father…”


the Prince of Peace” …. “prince” is a “leader or commander” (Genesius), “especially of soldiers.” BDB says, “chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince, (in this verse:) 3. specifically military.  And “peace” is defined as “completeness, soundness, welfare, peace.” (BDB) The definition continues on: 6. “peace from war.” This is not just “calm” as we often think of “peace,” but even more, “a wholeness…”

Matthew Henry says, “He is the prince of peace.”  As a King, He preserves the peace, commands peace, nay, He creates peace in His kingdom. He is our peace, and it is His peace that both keeps the hearts of His people and rules in them…”

When the child was born, the angels sang to shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE, good will toward men…” (Luke 2:14). And when Jesus was grown into His brief, but history-altering ministry, He spoke “Peace, be still,” (Mark 4:39) to the fiercest of storms. He told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid…” (Jn 14:27) and “These things have I spoken unto you, that IN ME ye might have Peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  (Jn 16:33). Jesus is still the source of Peace: wholeness and settled-ness in a chaotic world. He told the disciples that HIS PEACE would persist, even with the unavoidable pressure of tribulation. He is still the One Who calms storms with “peace, be still,” and when He doesn’t calm the storm, He calms and secures us while the storm rages.

“His name shall be called…. Prince of Peace.”


The child Who would be born; the Son Who would be given, still holds the government, the entirety of world affairs, on His shoulders. As the old song says, “If he carries the weight of the world upon His shoulders, I know, my brother, He can carry you…” (Scott Wesley Brown) He is still “full of wonder.” Still a guide, advising and leading through all the ups and downs of life. He is still the One Who fights our battles when we surrender them to Him. He is still our Father, protecting and providing. He is still the One Who marks the life of His people with Peace.     


“The LORD will give strength unto His people: the LORD will bless His people with peace.” —Psalms 29:11


“And His name shall be called…” —Isaiah 9:6

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life.

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Friday!


Christmas 2022 Ep. 2: “The Ladies of Matthew Chapter 1.”


Run Revelations Through the Word + “No Previews”