Christmas 2022 Ep. “The Days Were Accomplished”

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The Days Were Accomplished.

This morning, the line “the days were accomplished (that she should be delivered)” jumped off the page at me. Recently, Galatians 4:4 has been scrolling through my mind: “But WHEN THE FULLNESS OF TIME WAS COME, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law…” and also Acts 7:17: “But when the time of the promise drew nigh…”


It’s as if there’s an invisible “timer” set on promises given by God, and He alone knows the precise moment it will “go off.”  Some time ago, Maggie sent a text with Acts 1:7: “IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW THE TIMES OR THE SEASONS WHICH THE FATHER HATH PUT IN HIS OWN POWER.”  A few short verses earlier, He had instructed them to “WAIT FOR THE PROMISE of THE FATHER.” (1:4) HE GIVES the PROMISE HE “SETS THE TIMER.” 


And… he always sets a timer on promises. In the Word of God, there were no instant promises.  “…the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah,” (I Peter 3:20). Abraham waited for his promised child. David waited for the fulfillment of the call that was given when the oil was poured over him. Esther waited. Hannah waited. Zacharias and Elizabeth waited. Mary and Joseph waited. The 120 in the Upper Room waited. The church is waiting.


Often, when God gives a promise, it is the moment of “conception”, but that little promise must grow in utero. It must grow tucked away from watching eyes. It must be woven and spun together by the One Who gave it. When He gives a promise, He sets the “timer.” HE WILL BRING IT TO PASS. The days will be accomplished! All good and beautiful things take time! (GOURMET NEVER COMES FROM A MICROWAVE! ). And while we wait, we prepare. We don’t just sit idly by. We “eat extra” for the promise. We make room for the promise in our lives and homes. We eagerly await the moment when “the time of the promise draws nigh…” He knows the time and season. He has it pre-planned. The FULLNESS of TIME WILL COME!  Your promise has a DUE DATE.


Let me worship while I wait!

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life.

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Friday!


Your Faith Is Your Eyes + ”When It All Pans Out”


He Wants To Change You + ”It Might Just Be a Cocoon”