Disentangling Thoughts Through Prayer and Journaling + “Loud Footsteps”

Download the handwritten version of “Loud Footsteps” here.

Download the Disentangling Thoughts Through Prayer and Journaling + “Loud Footsteps” audio/episode here.

Real Life: Loud Footsteps.

Waking up with an ambiguous annoyance with a few people. Waking up with an ambiguous sense of dread. Feeling like I have no love in my heart. …. Just a lot to process….so much there and no time to get into it.

Anyways, I wrote all of that to say this:


The enemy says, “Oh, you feel X, Y, or Z sort of way, you aren’t worthy to sit at Jesus’ feet. He plants seeds of annoyance, frustration, fear, and the like, and then uses it as proof that we shouldn’t bother bringing those thoughts, attitudes, and feelings to Jesus. He insists those are disqualifiers. BUT THEY ARE NOT. Bringing all those cares, burdens, irritations, and even sins to Jesus is exactly what we need to do, and it is the remedy for those things. I REFUSE TO BE DISQUALIFIED BY THINGS THAT JESUS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR. I will haul all “the stuff” down my stairs, through the house, and into His presence. And those footsteps are loud! The enemy hears them. He knows I’m going to the throne room again. UNWORHTY. UNDESERVING. BUT HERE. HE WILL NTO STOP MY FOOTSTEPS TO THE COUCH. HE WILL HEAR MY FOOTSTPS TO THE COUCH. THEY ARE VERY LOUD TO HIM!!!!

Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


You Shall Receive Power!


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