Evaluating and Developing Spiritual Hunger + ”Hunger Is the Best Sauce”

Recommended listening:

Hungry for Hunger by Rev. Reagan Matheson

The Why and How of Hungering For God by Rev. Joseph Hanthorn

The Divine Balance Between the Fork and the Field by Rev Cortt Chavis

Download the handwritten version of “Hunger is the Best Sauce” here.

Download the “The Evaluating and Developing Spiritual Hunger + ”Hunger Is the Best Sauce” audio/episode here.

Hunger is the Best Sauce.

HUNGER makes everything taste better.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been praying for greater HUNGER. It’s easy for life and busyness to dull our hunger and desire for the things of God over time.

But we’ve got to STAY HUNGRY!

To GET HUNGRY and STAY HUNGRY for His Word and His presence, we must:

Eat the Word. We can’t HUNGER for what we don’t eat.(people who are starving don’t have hunger signals.)

“Thy Words were found, and I did EAT them, and they were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart…” Jeremiah 15:16

Stop eating the wrong things. Fill up on junk, and we won’t be hungry for dinner. Entertainment, social media, and busyness ‘satiate’ our spiritual HUNGER signals and give us a false sense of ‘fullness.’ They dull our HUNGER for the right things.

Allow the pain, anxiety, cares, troubles, burdens, pressures, and challenges of life to fuel our HUNGER for God, instead of medicating with other things. He gets sweeter as we turn to Him. We grow to HUNGER for Him in hardship.

“A person who is full, tramples on a honeycomb, but to a hungry person, any bitter thing is sweet.” Proverbs 27:7 (CSB)

Start serving. When we work, we get HUNGRY. Hunger is a result of expending energy, burning previous caloric intake, and physical exertion. When we serve the Kingdom and others, we get HUNGRY. (Please listen to “The Divine Balance Between the Fork and Field” by Cortt Chavis.)

Fast. When we stop, feeding the physical, we start to hunger for the spiritual.

When we’re HUNGRY, everything tastes better.

Hunger causes us too long for our Bibles.

Hunger makes our desire for His presence instatiable.

Hunger causes us to crave the preached Word.

“Blessed are they that do HUNGER and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” —Jesus

Hunger is the best sauce.

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life. This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


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