Finding Inspiration to Write + Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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Satisfaction Guaranteed.

As I sat at Sendik’s waiting for Olive to return with ((DONUTS)), I saw a lady pull out in a gorgeous, black Denali. I noted it because Noodle is always pointing them out to me. I watched her drive away, and thought, “I wonder if she’s satisfied with that purchase?” Isn’t that what every consumer is hoping for? SATISFACTION. “100% satisfaction guaranteed.” Every consumer. Every soul. Every individual. Searching. Looking. Longing for something that will satisfy; something that will fill the void…fill the deep ache in the middle of who they are.

sat·is·fy  /ˈsadəsˌfī/

verb the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone):

2.fulfill (a need or desire)


sat·is·fac·tion  /ˌsadəsˈfakSH(ə)n/


1.fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this:

I have come to the conclusion in life that ((satisfaction)) is the thing that each person is longing for. There is an empty spot in every soul begging to be filled. We hurry and scurry to fill it with this and that: friendships. hobbies. sports. new cars. new clothes. new homes. religion. charity. relationships. ((donuts)). the latest trend. The best seller. Or maybe we just try to numb the realization that the void is there, to forget the ache that’s gnawing away at the core of our soul: the new miniseries. business. busyness. busy. busy. hurry. hurry. alcohol. drugs. the next party. We haven’t found “that thing” yet, the elusive piece of the puzzle that is still missing. Success has not fixed it. Fun, and vacations, and cheap thrills have only addressed it momentarily.

  • The “high” has worn off.

  • The euphoria of the relationship has faded.

  • The car has rust.

  • The book, the bottle, the shopping bag, long-since forgotten.

  • The certificates, medals, and the accolades that rang in your ears still have not touched that spot.

  • The chocolate frosting on that ((donut))? It was good, but…nope…that didn’t satisfy either.

You see, you cannot address deep soul ache with “surface fixes.” You were created and designed with that void intentionally fashioned for only one thing to “fix” it.

It possibly sounds “hoaky,” but it is true, none-the-less. You were formed to be satisfied by HIM. The God of all creation, Jesus, is the only thing that will ever satisfy, satiate, fulfill that deep place you haven’t been able to “fix.” He is the only one that can truly offer a “100% satisfaction guarantee.” Not religion. Not form. Not motion. Not ritual. Not rites, but relationship. A deep, glowing, vibrant relationship with Him – facilitated by His presence, His power, His Word, and His Spirit – which He will give you to overflowing. (That’s better than satisfied. 😊)

“He that believeth on me as the Scriptures have said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this He spake of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive; for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” (John 7:37-38)

Too may of us have settled for religion. Really, that will never touch “that spot.” This is what Paul writes to Timothy about: “…having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” (2 Timothy 3:5) Nope. Not enough. Jesus wants heart-connection, soul-satisfying relationship. He wants to get into the inner crevices, the deepest places and bring contentment, fulfillment, and satisfaction that nothing else can. To borrow the words of Paul again…

“The Kingdom of God is…RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE and JOY in the Holy Ghost.” (Romans 7:14)

He wants to satisfy you!!!

The Word of God is FULL of Scriptures that say He will!

  • Psalm 90:14

  • Psalm 91:16

  • Isaiah 58:11

  • Psalm 103:5

  • Psalm 107:9 = “He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.”

  • Psalm 145:16

  • Psalm 17:15

  • Psalm 37:19

  • Psalm 63:5

  • Psalm 65:4

“You are complete in Him.” Colossians 2:10

Get on your knees. Get in His Word: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luke 4:4 – NKJV) His Word is alive and powerful. No ordinary book: A living document with the ability to satisfy. “It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12) Get full (to overflowing with His Spirit! (Acts 2, especially v. 38-39 – a promise for all!)


You will find that SATISFACTION can be

One hundred percent GUARANTEED.

(That was some good poetry. )

Now, I’d better go eat that ((donut)). (And, thanks to the lady who drove by in the Denali.)

“Only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

Yes, only He can change your heart

And make you whole.

He'll give you peace you never knew,

Sweet joy and love and Heaven, too.

For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.”

—Lanny Wolfe

Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


A Bible Overview + “He’ll Bring You THROUGH.”


The Authority of the Word of God + “All Things”