How to Establish the Habit of Bible Reading and Prayer in Busy Seasons + “Maybe Tomorrow”

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Ooooold journal entry:

“That’s all well and good, but it bothers me that I haven’t been waking up to read and pray like I should and then it gets lost in the day. That’s not right. I don’t’ want to be a “lover of pleasure more than a lover of God.” And I definitely want to teach my kids to love God more than fun.”

Maybe Tomorrow.

This is from a little devotional that I have read through many times over the years. I first read it when I started this journey and it has ministered to me so deeply.  ( )

“I went a long way in life before I really fell in love with God’s Word. I intended to read it every day, but I was busy. I’d get out of bed and have to get the kids dressed for school, then as a pastor’s wife I had to get the dishes done – I couldn’t let anyone catch me with dirty dishes in the sink! And of course, I had to get the beds made and the house presentable. Then the phone began to ring and the day was in motion and I was in motion.

Before I knew it, night-time had come, and I’d fall into bed exhausted. I’d pick up the Word, feeling under conviction because I hadn’t read it. I’d read the same verse over six times and still not remember what I read. Finally, I’d close it up and say, ‘Tomorrow I’ll read it.’ The next day the same thing would happen.

Some years ago, I was sitting in a camp meeting where my husband was one of the speakers. Another speaker was preaching about the power of the Word. The Holy Spirit shone His spotlight into my heart. He said, ‘Do you know why you are so disappointed with yourself as a Christian and a wife and a mother? It’s because you’re anemic! You’re not feeding on my Word.’

Sitting on that rough bench, I lifted my heart and made a vow and commitment, ‘God, I will partake of your Word every day.’ That was a hard one for me to make, because it is so hard for me to get up in the morning. But He was there to help me, and I’ve done it. He has changed my life by it, and through that the atmosphere of our home.

One lady said she achieved serenity in her home when she started making sure of having seven minutes with God every morning. Seven minutes may not seem like a lot, but it’s a whole lot better than nothing. And you can be amazed what seven minutes with God…reading one or two Scriptures and letting Him take over in your heart for a few minutes…can do to prepare you to set the atmosphere in your life and home.

Napoleon one said, ‘The Bible is not just a mere book, it is a living force with the power to conquer all who oppose it.’ And I would say that includes all the power that opposes you in your daily life.

I used to have to make myself read the Bible, but now I love it. When I read it, the Holy Spirit takes it and plants it deep into the soil of my heart. As I go through the day, I find that He bring His Word to my remembrance, applied as a soft, gentle guidance and caution and strength, just when needed.”

–Sarah Abraham

No matter how busy you are, determine to get some spiritual calories into your spirit! In the busiest seasons of your life, you can still “fill up” spiritually!

Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


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