How to Use a Concordance + “A Tough Spot”

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A Tough Spot.

The other day, I was talking to Jesus while I was getting ready, and I said, “It’s just a tough spot to be in,” as it relates to some aspects of the current season. Immediately, I felt Him say, “Joseph was in a tough spot in prison, too….I was in a tough spot in the garden.” OK. Point taken. Over the last few days, that concept has reoccurred in my mind, with other biblical characters trailing along behind. (I know I write so often along these lines, but it truly is the stories of those on the pages of the Word that have encouraged me time and again!)

Everyone has tough spots, and it is usually the tight confines of those places that MAKE and DEFINE people of God.

  • Noah was in a tough spot, building a massive boat, when no one had ever seen rain.

  • Abraham was in a TOUGH SPOT holding a dagger over his promise.

  • Job was in a TOUGH SPOT following the loss of 10 children and all his material possessions.

  • Jacob was in a TOUGH SPOT wrestling a Man until the breaking of the day.

  • Joseph was in a TOUGH SPOT, sitting in an underserved prison cell.

  • Jochebed was in a TOUGH SPOT, as she dropped a little reed basket into the Nile.

  • Moses was in a TOUGH SPOT, as he stood at the bank of the Red Sea.

  • Joshua and Caleb were in a TOUGH SPOT as they heard the words of the 10 conflicting reports.

  • Gideon was in a TOUGH SPOT with a pitcher, a battle, and 300 men.

  • Ruth was in a TOUGHT SPOT, leaving all behind to walk with Naomi into an uncertain future.

  • Hannah was in a TOUGH SPOT, praying for her heart’s desire in the temple.

  • Samuel was in a TOUGH SPOT, pouring oil over David’s head while Saul was yet on the throne.

  • David was in TOUGH SPOT after TOUGH SPOT. A javelin whizzing past him…Saul asleep on the floor of the cave…facing Goliath. Tough spots were a feature on repeat in his life.

  • Abigail was in a TOUGH SPOT, as her foolish husband turned David and his hungry men away.

  • The widow of Zarephath was in a TOUGH SPOT when Elijah said, “Make me first a little cake.”

  • Elijah was in TOUGH SPOT as he poured buckets of water over his offering.

  • The 4 lepers were in a TOUGH SPOT as they walked toward the camp of the Syrians.

  • Hezekiah was in a TOUGH SPOT as Sennacherib’s ambassador persisted on a brutalizing propaganda campaign.

  • Joash…Josiah…. Ezekiel…Isaiah…Jeremiah, all had TOUGH SPOTS.

  • Daniel was in a TOUGH SPOT as he fell to the floor of the lion’s den.

  • Esther was in a TOUGH SPOT as she spoke the words, “If I perish, I perish.”

  • Ezra and Nehemiah were in TOUGH SPOTS as they asked for permissions to go back and rebuild their beloved Jerusalem.

  • Joseph was in a TOUGH SPOT, as the angel said, “Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.”

  • Jesus was in a TOUGH SPOT as he faced the devil tete-e-tete in the wilderness and “sweat as it were great drops of blood” in the Garden.

  • John the Baptist was in a TOUGH SPOT as he sat in a prison cell asking for confirmation that Jesus was, indeed, the Messiah.

  • The disciples were in a TOUGH SPOT as the waves threatened to capsize their boat and they frantically asked Jesus, “Carest Thou not that we perish?”

  • The woman caught in the act of adultery was in a TOUGH SPOT as she was thrust at Jesus’ feet.

  • Mary was in a TOUGH SPOT, watching life fade from the body of her precious son.

  • Mary Magdalene was in a TOUGH SPOT as she went to anoint the body of the One who had changed her life.

  • Peter was in a TOUGH SPOT as he went back to his fishing nets.

  • The early Christians were in a TOUGH SPOT as they faced the persecution that caused them to scatter from Jerusalem.

  • Stephen was in a TOUGH SPOT as he prayed, “Forgive them,” with stones hurled his way.

  • Paul was in a TOUGH SPOT, like David, on many occasions…. let over a wall in a basket…a snake hanging off his hand on Malta…a Philippian jail with Silas.

  • Many disciples were in TOUGH SPOTS, boiled in oil, beheaded, torn to shreds in the Colosseum.

  • John the Revelator was in a TOUGH SPOT exiled on the Isle of Patmos.

BUT….ONE BIG, GIANT BUT…. not one single person of faith; true, real, genuine faith, was ever destroyed by a TOUGH SPOT, no matter how tough. When it comes to TOUGH SPOTS, we have options.

  • Will we get bitter or choose JOY?

  • Will we be dominated by fear of the future or walk in trust of a God who sees it all?

  • Will we have a pity party or a praise session?

  • Will we be crippled by negative emotions and live in hostility, envy, regret, and anger or will we see this TOUGH SPOT as a thing God can use to make us sweeter and softer?

  • Will we shut down the door to our heart and access we’ve given God to it, or will we seek IN uncertainty?
    Will we look through the lens of gratitude or ingratitude?

  • Will we quit or keep on keepin’ on?

The answer to these questions determines the effect of TOUGH SPOTS in our lives.

When it comes to tough spots, faith is proven. “…. that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”

When you come to TOUGH SPOTS and you don’t turn around, don’t give up, don’t give in, you come out better on the other side of TOUGH SPOTS. Faith is proven when we forgive, and worship, and hold on and press froward, and stay the course, and cling to Jesus IN TOUGH SPOTS.

Granted, TOUGH SPOTS vary on the “tough spectrum,” but whether it is exceedingly tough or just a little bit, baby tough, this very spot is an opportunity to grow. Tough will test our mettle. And, as a little plaque in our house growing up used to say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher.”

If you’re in a TOUGH SPOT, you’re in good company. God has regularly used TOUGH SPOTS to “toughen up” His people….to position His people….and ultimately to prepare them for calling and purpose. The previously mentioned list proves it.

Pick the right attitudes, clutch your faith with a death grip…and remember,

You’re in a tough spot, but you’re a TOUGH COOKIE. <3



Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Saturday!


The Lord’s Prayer as Pattern + “His Eye Is On the Sparrow”


How to Prepare for an Uncertain Future + “Heads Up, Buttercup”