Redeeming the Time + “Sitting at the Cemetery”

Download the handwritten version of “Faith: More Precious Than Gold” here.

Download the Redeeming the Time + “Sitting at the Cemetery” audio/episode here.

Sitting at the Cemetery.


Sitting and looking at the cemetery and contemplating the fact that each of the cold, hewn, snow-covered stones represents a life…a soul. There was a day when the lights went out one final time for them. For some, undoubtedly, it was as they’d hoped…after a long, full life, they went peacefully to the next life in their sleep. But for others, such was not the case. For many, death does not visit at the time we’ve scripted in our minds. Sometimes, it’s icy knocks resound much sooner than planned and in ways unplanned. One goes as a war-time hero. One goes with a blaze of flashing lights and the blare of sirens in the dark of night. One succumbs to the final clutches of cancer after a grueling fight. One doesn’t come off the operating table…one has a heart that just stops unexpectedly…one…one…one. “It is appointed unto man to die…” We all have that appointment. When? How? Where? None of use can answer that question, and thus, the only thing to do is LIVE READY TODAY!


The verse continues on…” It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that, the judgement.” The cold, hewn stone atop our grave is not the end, but rather the entry point to the beginning. There is a judgement after that final breath. When we are forgotten on earth, we will still be remembered in eternity.


With this grave reality, let me live ready and live FULLY ALIVE. Let me pour out every ounce of love and energy that I can every day. Fully electrified by the power of the Holy Ghost—ready to daily give, love, serve, and GO to the best of my human capabilities; realizing that there will be a day when the lights of this life will go out and my eyes will close one final time. There will be a day when an unknown onlooker will see my headstone in the sea of unknown names and think of the reality of death and the beauty of life.


Until that day, let me be ready and let me be full of love.

Popularity in life gets you nothing; popularity at the throne grants you influence in heaven.

Wealth in this live will be passed onto others; wealth in heaven can never be lost. There, no thieves, no moths, no rust, no loss.

Fame, connections, notoriety will matter not at the end; but faith will conduct you into that great cloud of witnesses that testify to the mercy of God and cheer on those coming behind.




The only thing I can leave behind is lives affected by God’s love and Spirit flowing through me.

“All you can take with you

is that which you’ve given away.”

–plaque in George Bailey’s father’s office (It’s a Wonderful Life)

Thank you for joining me for this journey!

Go grab your Bible and your journal!

I look forward to the power of this habit in your life.

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


Put On Your Super Suit + “Loud Footsteps”


More To Be Desired Than Gold + “Faith: More Precious Than Gold”