Smile + More “Smiles”

Download the handwritten version of “Tears” here.

Download the Tears + More “Tears” audio/episode here.


On Sunday, God began to deal with me on smiling, as crazy as that sounds. I have always been a generally joy-filled, smiley person, but lately, I have lost my smile—at least it hasn’t been as readily available as it normally would be. Life and circumstances and the season have partially robbed me of my SMILE. THAT IS SAD!!!!

God is too good for me not to smile! My face doesn’t have to match my feelings!! I can smile IN FAITH, even when battling fear or hurt, because I know Who I serve, and I know He has promised He will never leave me nor forsake me. A smile, when you feel anything but smiley, is like a light switch that turns on SUNSHINE in the middle of a thunderstorm. It is a signal to yourself that JOY IS COMING. A smile tells God, “I trust you…” “I may not feel smiley right now, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are on the throne. You are in control. You love me. You are leading and guiding. So, I will smile. A smile tells your feelings and your fears to “shut up.” A smile tells the enemy of your soul, “You’ve worked to destroy me, but you CANNOT take and will not get my joy.” A smile is a signal to the world at large that there are things to be happy about. A smile is a signal to your soul that joy and gladness and beauty are on the way. A smile is a fulfillment of the command to “Rejoice in all things.” A smile when you’re “down and out” evidences an eternal perspective. Jesus told His disciples to rejoice in persecution…” Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.” A smile says, “I am taking my eyes off of the temporal and putting them on the eternal.” Streets of gold???!?? That is worth smiling about! A smile declares: “I am focused on the coming joy!” THAT is how Jesus endured the cross: Hebrews 12:2: “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith: who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame…” A smile helps “zoom in” on the JOY that’s down the road. A smile is a pair of binoculars that skips over the “now and how” of current emotions and sees with eyes of faith the beauty in store. A smile helps see “invisible beauty mor clearly. A smile may not be cheap or easy, but it is free. A smile is a gift to all you give it to, and there is a world FULL of people who need the “sunshine light switch” flipped “on” in their dark world. So…from now on, I smile. I may have to practice, but I will smile in faith. I will give the gift of joy to all I see…guess I’d better get my teeth whitened.

Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


If You Had One Week Left + “When They Close the Lid”


Tears + More “Tears”