Starting Small + “Small Things”

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Download the Starting Small + “Small Things” audio/episode here.

Small Things.

I want to write about small things: about the fact that doing “great things” for God and His kingdom is mostly doing “small things;” things that may seem frail and insignificant. It is often small kindnesses rendered that may have greater impact on a life than any sermon, book, or no. 1 hit.

Daily investments matter—investments in the Word; in the lives of others matter. Victories are won by small increments…one decision, one choice at a time.

Jesus said, “Whoever will be GREAT among you, let him be your minister.” (Matthew 20:26) In the Kingdom, small is great. For Jesus, service away from the spotlight and eyes of watching crowds means just as much, if not more, than “pulpit ministry” or “seen service.” He values small things. His Word says, “Despise not the day of small things.” (Zechariah 4:10) The NLT says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” There are a million thoughts about it that I’d love to chronicle, but time is failing me. He brought small children to himself and blessed them. He sees every small sparrow that falls. He gathered small fragments—leftovers after the feeding of the 5,000. He bottles small tears; He stores small prayers in golden bowls. He is the Creator of the second, nucleotides (molecules that make up DNA), and of so many other things that would seem to be minutia. Small never means insignificant.

I get to do “great things” for God when I send a note, make a call, read a chapter to O & E, make A’s lunch, or type a bulletin. “Great” is accomplished when I give a hug or dry a tear. I don’t ever have to try to be “great” – He’s got that covered! I’ve just got to plug this small little branch into Him. As the old song says, “Little is much when God is in it.” Small will always matter to Jesus.

Never underestimate the power of little investments, little decisions. Never underestimate the power of starting small!

The smallest action is better than the grandest intention.

Today, start small, if you haven’t yet. If you’ve started, but it’s been bumpy, stick with it. Enjoy the process.

“Jesus is never mad at you about the time you don’t spend with Him, He’s just thankful for the time you DO spend with Him.”

–Brother Tandberg

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


Incorporating Worship + “Surprised By Worship”


Finding Hope in the Scriptures + “A Glimmer of Hope”