He Still Heals Broken Hearts + “How To Fix A Broken Record”

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How To Fix A Broken Record.

Sometimes, I have “thoughts” or multiple thoughts that I’m not sure “where” to start with. This is one of them…

“How to Fix a Broken Record…”

The other day, I was driving, and thinking, “Why did I respond like THAT, again? What triggers THAT particular response? It’s like a broken record. It’s as if there’s a deep scratch, and there’s a response that’s ‘on repeat.”

Growing up, we had plenty of vinyl records, and I can still remember some of the songs where there was a scratch, and the record would get stuck on repeat. In particular, a Carman song comes to mind. “Lazarus, Come Forth” got stuck and would say, “…but Je- so much…but Je- so much…but Je- so much…” until you went and moved the needle.

Sometimes, life feels like that…the same response over and over…the same issue over and over…the same prayers on repeat…. the same flaw, the same “scratch” rearing its ugly head. It’s as if there’s some deep scratch that triggers some long believed lie, that triggers that response again. Why am I mad again? Why am I sad again? Why am I _____________ again? “I sound like a broken record.”

The following morning, these thoughts were still in my mind, so I Googled “how to fix a broken record…” and was comforted as I read these lines: “Repairing a deep scratch on a vinyl record will ensure the record will play over the scratch and continue without skipping. The repair requires enormous patience and should be done when you can devote plenty of time.” (Techwala.com)

Wow! This immediately reminded me of the patience and longsuffering of God, and in turn of Jeremiah 18. God speaks to Jeremiah, and says, “Arise and go to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear my words.” Then I went down to the potter’s house and there he was making something on the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was MARRED in the hands of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make. Then, the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?’ says the Lord. ‘Look as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.”

A vessel on a potter’s wheel…marred….

A record on a turntable…. scratched…

Both with a flaw…both broken…both unable to fix themselves.

“How do you fix a broken record?”

You don’t. I think the answers to this question lie in these few verses in Jeremiah…

1.       You can’t “fix” yourself. I cannot “fix” myself. A record or a vessel…both require someone else to make the repairs.

2.       Surrender to the process. Recognize the flaw…the “scratch,” the marring, and then surrender it to the only One who has the ability to correct a deep gouge.

3.       Stick with the process. Stay on the wheel. Remain in the Potter’s hands. His hands are gentle and patient and He is willing to devote enormous amounts of time to the repairs required in your soul. I have literally been shocked at all the years He’s been willing to invest in repairing and reworking the depths of my soul. He is enormously patient. Stay in His hands. Don’t try to circumnavigate the process…even when it feels like it’s taking a very long time and the motion of the wheel leaves you reeling and disoriented. Stay still. Some miracles, most miracles, require active participation and obedient action. But then, there are other miracles, other healings that simply require surrender and cooperation. Some deep soul wounds that produce “broken record” responses don’t require collaboration, but simply cooperation. They require the stillness and patience of the one needing the repair.

“Oh house of Israel, can I not do with you as the potter?” Can you recognize that I alone can remake with no marring? Can you simply surrender and remain faithful to the process? Can you be patient while I perform what I have planned?

“For He performs that thing which is appointed for me: and many such things are with Him…” (Job 23:14) He has a plan appointed for those who will yield.

Stay still. Stay surrendered. Stick with the process. He will fix the “broken record.”

Thank you for joining me for this journey! Go grab your Bible and your journal!

This is Unedited.

This is for U.

Happy Friday!


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